Our research

What We Do

Over 1 million individuals in the United States remain minimally-speaking throughout their lifetimes despite access to quality interventions. The AND Lab works to develop and pilot communication tools to create a quantifiable metric for communication in minimally- and non-verbal speaking individuals.

We have two currently running studies, ROSCO and TALK. ROSCO (Rapid Online Sample of Communication) aims to develop a natural communication sampling paradigm for individuals with neurodevelopmental delays, including those this extremely limited speech. ROSCO is designed to capture total communication, which includes non-word vocalizations, augmentative technology use, gestures, facial expression, and eye gaze.

The TALK Study focuses on complex neurodevelopmental disorders, including Phelan McDermid Syndrome (PMS), PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome (PHTS), and Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC). TALK aims to better understand how individuals with severe NDDs communicate. TALK utilizes the ROSCO study but with individuals with PMS, PHTS, and TSC.